About two years while
travelling around the botanical gardens of Miami, I discovered this
euphorbia plant. It looked very much like the regular poinsettia (Euphorbia
pulcherrima). I was walking around the famous
Gardens when I came upon this
very spectacular tree. I say tree because it was easily well over fifteen feet
Yet in some ways it
was much more attractive than the regular poinsettia, but with the same
tendency. The flowers are not really
flowers because the follow the euphorbia trait of producing an inflorescence
surrounded by colourful leaves. And what
a superb show it gives.
Later I was to discover that it was native to
the Caribbean, although I had never
come across it in any of my time in the islands. In fact it has been confirmed
as prevalent in the islands of Jamaica. At present I don't
have a plant of my own, but I hope to soon. For now I will simply enjoy the
photos. That is not to say I have not
growing young seedlings. I have but with
little success. Still, my goal is to own
a plant one day.